Stop Letting Your Launch Copy Prevent You From Getting Your Amazing Offer to the World!

Just because you CAN write it, doesn’t mean you HAVE to spend 15 hours doing it!

Launching any program or service is HARD! It takes a lot of energy, confidence, and know-how to get all of the pieces put together.

You have a deadline and there are only a few things holding you back from launching on schedule.

One is your copy. Without your copy, you can’t move onto the design, email sequence build, or strategy!

-You keep sitting down to write it, outlining it again and again, only to delete it and start over.

-Frustrated and feeling like you aren’t even speaking to your ideal client, you add it to your to-do list again for tomorrow.

-This turns into the copy time-suck cycle where it never really gets done…and if it does, you aren’t really happy with it but are sick of messing with it so just go with it.

My clients come to me because I see their vision. I dig into their business, into their offer, and I get to know them as a person. While you need to be speaking to your ideal client, it is also important to have a cohesive message throughout so nothing gets lost or confusing.

Stop letting preparing your copy keep you from launching your amazing offer!

This is for you if….

  • You overthink your copy

  • You want to spend your time focusing on the other aspects of your launch such as design, set up, and getting clients

  • You want somebody to work WITH you to get launched faster with your business and goals in mind

  • You want to feel confident when you plug your copy into your design

  • You are sick of spending hours writing your copy only to feel less than when you post it

  • You are ready to get your business to the next level and don’t want the copy time-suck holding you back


  • We really vibe, can’t wait to work together, and set up our 90-minute strategy call.

  • Next, you sit back and relax while working on the launch aspects you truly enjoy while I work out the details of your launch copy.

  • I deliver your landing page or sales page copy and we make any necessary changes.

  • I complete the upsell page, email sequences, and social media captions within a week from our strategy call and deliver for any edits.

You launch with complete confidence in your copy and take that next step in your business.

All of this for ONLY $3200!



Launch Package

Let’s craft your launch together in a week!

How it works:

  1. You book your FREE inquiry call get your launch ready in a week.

  2. You fill out a short questionnaire and we have a 90-minute strategy call.

  3. I send you over the landing page or sales page within 48 hours for review.

  4. Within 10 hours, you send back any revisions.

  5. 7 days from our strategy call you will have all of your copy for your upcoming launch!

All of this for only $3200

What are these things and why do I NEED them for my launch? 

Landing Page – This can be written as a mini-sales page or basic landing page to get them to click YES! Use this page to guide them to your offer and remind them why they need what you have.

Upsell (order bump) Page – This is the next page that pops up and offers more of your amazing services or add-ons to the current order. If you have anything beyond the item you are launching, it goes on this page.

Welcome Email SequenceThis is the email sequence that welcomes them into the purchase, introduces you, your business, and the program or service. They receive this sequence leading up to the actual service or program. This sequence offers even more value than the program or service with additional tips, tricks, workbooks, or other downloadable information.  

Sales SequenceThis email sequence is where they flow to after they have finished the welcome sequence to guide them to your other products and services. If you offer any other services, this is the way to introduce those to them and remind them why they love working with you!


Social Media PostsHow will people know what you have coming if they don’t know about it?!  Having at least 5 different social media posts and captions will help you with variety and staying in front of your ideal client. This package includes 5 captions to pair with your favorite graphics.

Just because you can write it, doesn’t mean you have to!

Don’t be overwhelmed with this list! Launching should be exciting, not dreaded.

Schedule a free call with me to get launched faster without spending 10-15 hours writing your own copy!

Already have your copy written but aren’t feeling confident in it?

I offer copyediting too! Click the button below to see how I can help.

Dori Stewart

“I enjoyed working with you, you do great work!”

Rita Suzanne

“She asked great preliminary questions, did solid research, and writes very clearly. Her attention to detail and quality of writing is impressive. I would highly recommend Leah.”

  • I will deliver your launch copy within a week of our strategy call. If there are additional edits, those will happen after that time frame.

  • I pride myself on my commitment to customer service and the happiness of my clients. With that being said, I offer 2 edits. IF you are still unhappy, we will schedule a call to talk it out and figure out exactly what is needed within reason.

  • As the owner of your business, you know your business and your ideal client best. During your questionnaire and our conversation we will discuss your client avatar, phrases and words your ideal client uses, and we will dig into their pain points. This is research and information you will need to provide prior to our call.

  • There are a lot of factors that go into conversion. While I would love to offer a guarantee, there are no guarantees in life…or copywriting.

  • Being an entrepreneur allows me to work when it is convenient for me. Sometimes I work early in the morning, sometimes I work late at night. I will respond within 48 business hours to any communications. I am likely to reply before that, but that is my max reply time. I may send emails in the early morning or late night. I do not expect a response until the next business day.

FAQ Copywriting-launch-package