I Don’t Need a Blog…

“I don’t need a blog.”🤔

Is this something that you have said or thought before? I have too…and I am a writer! My writing journey has been a long one, and I have been through different levels of it as online businesses and online opportunity grows every day. I used to have a homeschooling blog and it always took so much time creating the graphics…adding images…sharing the article…BUT this was about 8 years ago and although a blog was a good thing then…I didn’t know how good it was to have one. Why should you have a blog for your business?

Why should I have a blog?

📝A blog is one of the easiest ways to add relevant, searchable content to your website to get recognized by search engines…

💁‍♀️The more information on a website that pertains to what you actually are an expert in, the more recognizable your website will be…and the more people that will find you, your business, and your podcast! 🔎

💥Another fun perk about adding a blog to your business and podcast is that you can solidify your cohesive message throughout. You can use the podcast, YouTube, or Facebook video content you already have to write your blogs. You don’t have to constantly come up with new stuff to write about.

✨Everywhere that somebody comes in contact with your content they will receive the same, cohesive message so there is no doubting where your expertise lies.

Blogging doesn’t have to be time consuming

Having a business, and running it every day, can be very time consuming. You are probably thinking you don’t have time to write a blog, let alone post it and create graphics for it. It doesn’t have to be so time consuming. You already have the content sitting in your podcast…sitting in your YouTube channel…or sitting in your social media accounts. Repurposing your content isn’t a bad thing! It just means that you are creating a message that is consistent and everybody knows what you do, and why you are the expert in what you do.

If you don’t think you have time to re-listen to your podcast, get a transcription and highlight the important information and create a blog post from that. The reason I listen to every podcast episode I write about is so that I can match the podcaster’s personality and style in the blog post. If you are the podcaster, you don’t have to listen to it! Transcripts are good for this purpose, but if you really want good, readable content on your website, a blog post is the way to go. Transcriptions are long, boring, and very repetitive. Not many people read them. If you are using them for SEO, you need to make sure they have the right keywords in them so you can attract the traffic you want.

Tell me…what holds you back from writing a blog?

Don’t want to write blogs yourself or find it overwhelming? Let’s have a coffee chat and discuss your options. Click the Contact Me button below.

For more tips and tricks, follow me on Instagram!


Create a Cohesive Message for your Business


Add a Blog to your Website to Drive Traffic