Looking on the Bright Side

I had lived in Virginia Beach most of my life. I have moved away a couple of times, but always came back. It wasn’t as much the place that drew me back, but more the people. Around Christmas of 2020 my husband got a job offer out of town. So we packed up, sold the house, and moved to a new and strange area in February. It was a very rough time moving…nothing went right, and it was a very stressful time. Not just the move, but everything leading up to it and months after it.

Just to name a few things that could have gone better…My husband had to move first so I had to get the house ready, the kids ready, pack everything, and sell the house. We finally moved to the area, but had to stay in a hotel…where my husband’s catalytic converters got stolen two days before we were supposed to move into the new house…we didn’t finalize our agreement on the septic replacement until the day of closing…then there was an ice storm on closing day and we couldn’t even get to the house…the cleaner I paid a lot of money to clean the house before we got there didn’t do what she was supposed to...the well had bacteria in it and was ORANGE for the first 3 months (I had to boil water to give the baby a bath)…I could go on and on because this strain of events lasted for about 6 months until…


I came across my mindset coach, Dr. Jomana Elaridi, and she is the best thing since sliced bread! For real! Since I have been working with her over the past few months my brain has reset and I have started making life changes. I have started focusing on the bright side of things and catching myself when I start being a negative nilly. Being aware of these things makes all of the difference! I have an example from my trip this weekend back to Virginia Beach.

Thinking positively instead of negatively

This past weekend we took a trip back to my “home town.” To be honest, I don’t really miss living there but I do miss the people. We went because my boys had a wrestling tournament. We arrived Friday night for weigh-ins, wrestled all day Saturday until about 5pm, then again Sunday until about 3pm then drove home. For that short time we were there I noticed a lot of things and we talked about them on the trip home. My oldest son started talking about all of the things he disliked about Virginia Beach, and I started to jump in BUT INSTEAD I changed the topic of conversation to the things we like about where we are now.

Instead of it being a negative conversation focusing on all of the things we really dislike about the area, we had a great conversation about the things we love about where we live. Here are the things we love!

  1. That we see trees and hills when we drive places.

  2. Our drives to places are pleasant because there aren’t a lot of stop lights and traffic.

  3. We can have chickens without any city rules and regulations.

  4. We have 8 acres all to ourselves.

  5. Our neighbors aren’t super close.

  6. We have hills in our area.

  7. We can play outside whenever we want.

  8. We don’t have to leave our house to go on a nature walk through the woods.

  9. We can get other farm animals if we want to.

  10. We have a dirt bike and a quad that we can ride anytime we want.

    Are there any ways you have or could have changed your conversation from the negative to the positive?

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