Easy Email Sequence Formula & Strategy

Emailing your list is WHY you have the list! I spoke to somebody the other day who doesn’t send out emails to her list because she doesn’t like writing them. She felt like if she wasn’t consistent, she might as well not send anything until she can be consistent.

If you are collecting emails, you need to follow up with them via email! Sometimes it can be uncomfortable sending out what seems like random emails, but it doesn’t have to be! If your emails are not random and they are built on a strategy, it takes that discomfort away when you are writing it.

Think on this…you signed up to receive a freebie from somebody because it interested you. Then you never hear from them again. Are you going to find that person to work with them when you are ready?  

Personally, I would forget all about them. The good thing about any email sequence is that you can SET IT AND FORGET IT! You don’t have to keep changing it or adding onto it. It works for you automatically if you set it up ONCE.

Something important to remember when you are sending your emails is that most people do not know what you know! Even if you feel like you need to learn more or maybe you don’t know ‘enough,’ there are multiple people who do not know the things you know.

Follow this easy formula for a welcome email sequence

1.     Welcome email with freebie and CTA

2.     Who you are

3.     What you do

4.     A tip on how they can do it themselves

5.     Another tip on how they can do it themselves

6.     Any resources they can use to accomplish their goals

7.     CTA with more information about what you offer.

8.     Testimonials

When you are writing your emails, remember that you are the expert and they came to you! You are NOT spamming them AND they have the option to unsubscribe at any time! If they unsubscribe, then they aren’t your ideal client anyway.

Ready to take the next step and have it all written for you? I would love to talk about your options to work with me.


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