Do you have time to write a blog?

Blogging…who has the time for that?!

I know…you have been wanting to start a blog, but then fall behind and it is just another thing sitting on the to-do list but never actually getting done. I hear all the time that having a blog isn’t a priority and that it isn’t that important to your business.

Did you know that 77% of people online read blog posts regularly?? (Blogging Wizard)

You got off to a great start with posting one a week throughout the year and then the little one got sick, the car broke down, and life happened...again!

Now you are behind, it’s the end of the year already…and is it really even worth picking it back up?

YES, it completely is. Blogs offer a lot of value, dynamic website content, SEO, and content to repurpose. Remember that SOMETHING is better than nothing! It isn’t about falling off of the horse, it is about getting back on!

Why you should have a consistent blog

By not having a consistent blog you are missing out on all of the benefits of one.

I have talked to a lot of people who have told me that it isn’t a priority and that there are a lot of other things in their business that are a bigger priority. This is the wrong way to think about your blog! Your blog is something that keeps on giving. I look back at posts I did almost a year ago and they have more and more views because they are SEO optimized and as I add new content (blogs) to my website, search engines find me easier AND so do more people!

You really can’t afford to NOT have an active blog unless you aren’t planning on growing your business for years to come.

Why aren’t you consistent and committed to your blog? 

Think about it…truly think about why you don’t make the time to write and post your blog.

-Are you worried about the time constraints of keeping up with everything?

-Are you overwhelmed with all of the things you have to do in your business that it just stays on your to-do list?

-Are you scared that if you hire somebody they won’t do it right or it won’t sound like you?

You don’t have to worry about these things with me! My clients often send me audio clips of what they want to talk about, points they want to cover, and anything else they want to add to their blog post. It is amazing because I get to hear their excitement and what is truly important to them so that I can reflect those feelings into their blog post. This might take 5 minutes of their time and I run with it from there.

Hiring somebody to do your blogs doesn’t have to add a lot to your to-do list. Want to chat more about my process to get you consistent blog content with less stress?

  **You might not know this…but I offer a done for you service including blogs, posting it, and even a graphic. You don’t need a magic wand to make blogging painless and consistent!

Schedule an inquiry call and get on the right path before the end of the year!


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