Get Inspired to Write

I don’t know about you, but sometimes it is hard to get inspired to write. There are times when I could literally write for days and days without stopping and never run out of creative juices…then there are days where I just can’t get my brain working to make a coherent message! Can you relate? Here are some things I do to get myself inspired to write.

Get Ready to Write

First thing’s first…know that you have something to write. This could be a love letter or a blog post. Whatever it is, know that it is there waiting to be written…then forget about it! Sounds crazy, but just forget about it. Put the notebook away, put your pen in the drawer, and walk away. You aren’t walking away forever. You are walking away to intentionally do something else. I was listening to this podcast the other day where she was saying that when you are in the shower, you come up with the best ideas. Did you ever wonder why?

My theory is that you literally are not thinking about anything else except showering, and that is a habit, so you really aren’t thinking about it at all. This leaves room in your brain to just let the thoughts flow. You don’t have to worry about anything except if you shaved both legs or not, and you can just be free…even if it is only for 10 minutes. I am not saying you have to hop in the shower to get creative. I am saying that you need to find things like that to do. Go for a walk, brush your teeth, do the dishes, take a drive…do whatever you can that frees your brain up enough to just let the thoughts flow.

What Inspires Me to Write?

I find inspiration everywhere. The past few years have been tough on everybody, and on top of the big C, I had a baby and we moved away from everything we knew into a house with nothing but issues. I had a heck of a time getting inspired to write anything at all. I was blessed to come across a fantastic coach, Dr. Jomana, who helped me get through this frustrating time. She gave me mantras and meditations to do, and helped me work through some serious issues I had going on that I didn’t even know about. Once I got to a good place, all I had to do was maintain it.

I journal, a lot! As much as I love writing, I have never been big on journalling. Now I do it at least once a day. On the days that I forget I can tell in where my thoughts go and my attitude. Working on your mindset and creativity might be a daily activity for you. I find that when my mind is right, and I am not harping on the negative things, I am a lot more creative. When I am grumpy and stressed out, it is a lot harder to write about anything at all.

To get to my happy place, I either go out in my eight acres of woods or I paint. A lot of times painting takes a lot of effort getting the supplies out and cleaning up, so I normally choose a walk. When I am painting or out in nature, my creative juices are flowing and my brain is relaxing allowing my thoughts to flow. Nature was never like that for me, but for the past 10 years or so, it has been my go to for relaxing and having peace, and I didn’t know I could paint until about 5 years ago! I also get inspired by listening to podcasters who inspire me. While my brain isn’t relaxing while I am listening, it is getting ideas. Podcasts have been an inspiration for me in a lot of ways through the last six months.

What inspires you?


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