Are email sequences worth having?

If you are asking yourself, “Should I even bother with an email sequence when it takes so much effort and so little immediate reward?,” the answer is a resounding YES! 

The effort may not seem like it is panning out today, but as you send consistent emails with consistent follow up, you will start getting responses. You will start getting people reaching out to you asking for your help. You will start seeing people follow you on social media and joining your facebook group! If you want to build that authentic audience who truly wants to work with you, email sequences get you that much closer.

Email Automation

Email marketing will take time and energy, but planning it out in advance and setting everything up in email automations takes a lot of the load off. It can be a set it and forget it process when you do it right. Just imagine yourself sitting down for 2 hours one day and writing out all of your emails. The next day you enter them into your CRM and set up the tech side of things…then you are DONE! All of this works for you while you are sleeping, or cooking dinner, or nursing your kids back to health from the newest bug going around.

What would your days look like if you could take the task of remembering to follow up with your contacts off your list??

Building and growing anything takes time! Even in a 9-5 you didn’t get where you wanted to be overnight…it took you months…and most likely YEARS to get the position you wanted. Increasing your email list (do you have a lead magnet yet?) and nurturing them will get you to your end goal much much quicker than years from now! It builds your know, like, and trust factor so they WANT to work with you and are reaching out to you for help because they know you are the expert!

Keep your eye on the prize and get those email sequences written and set up!
Ready to stop waiting for the right time to get your emails written? Schedule an inquiry call with me today! I am ready to chat!


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